ECO systems

“How can ECO System partnerships help me accelerate my business ? ”

To play an important role online, the level of authority in a certain territory is important. In the domain authority pages we already explained the importance of internal and external linkage. Finding the right partners and building strong relationships with them is an important step to build these links. The next step is all about increasing this value. Value that largely is built upon the level of content integration and reinforcement. Having partners, perceived by your visitors, as independent telling your story in their own words is the most powerful way of promoting you as a leader.

Tailored collaboration requires different partnership types


Visibility partnership

A partnership in which during a fixed time period content elements, created and owned by the participant will be published on a partner website/platform or their touchpoints (mobile or social domains) on one or number of designated positions..

  • Usage of regular mediabuy KPI sets 

  • Frequent performance reporting (campaign based)

  • None/limited data sharing (adhoc-batch oriented)

  • Compensation based visibilty

  • Content IPR always on Participant side

  • Flexible non-mandatory tagging and referral obligation partner

  • Basic legal/contractual terms and conditions

  • Conversation mainly with commercial staff Partner

Editorial Partnerships.png

Editorial partnership

A partnership in which during a fixed time period content elements, created in a co-creation process by participant and the Partners editorial-teams, will be published as an structured engagement path on the partner website/platform or their touchpoints (mobile or social domains).

  • Usage of regular mediabuy KPI sets combined with content performance indicators

  • Frequent performance reporting

  • Performance driven data sharing (adhoc-batch oriented)

  • Compensation based visibility

  • Content IPR on participant side for all feeding oriented content, long-tail on Partner side

  • Mandatory tagging and referral obligation partner

  • Advanced legal/contractual terms and conditions

  • Conversation mainly with commercial staff Partner , supported one-off with editorial team Partner


Experience partnership

A partnership in which during a longer period of time (1 year +) both owned and co-created content & services are published, tested, optimized and synergized on the partner website/platform or their touchpoints (mobile or social domains). 

  • Traffic and content performance based KPI sets

  • Constant/real-time performance evaluation and optimization

  • Performance and Insights driven data sharing  (Near/real-time oriented)

  • Barter oriented cooperation modelling

  • Shared Content IPR with topic dependent authority recognition

  • Advanced mandatory tagging and referral obligation partner

  • Tailor-made legal/contractual terms and conditions

  • Conversation mainly structurally with editorial team Partner, with yearly commercial alignment

a practical example of building an effective ECO system to drive traffic, relevance and proof authority


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