
Online executions >>>

What’s your domain authority?

Being found among all the clutter on the web today forces us to carefully pick and choose our activities. What is helping us to be found and more importantly to get our visitors enthusiastic to engage further with us, before they drift off to a competitor?

Online execution is a summarising term attempting to address a very broad variety of activities. Activities all with the objective to persuade potential customers to engage, convert and transact with your organisation. a term that given the dynamics of the digital marketing landscape is bound to rapidly changes themes. We’ve formulated some big ones, which we’ve come across many times, for you and highlighted the value and do’s and don’ts


Conversion requires online visibility

The past years rules that determined the ranking positions in search engines has rapidly changed and provided many opportunities to outgrow your competition. With this growth a significant increase in complexity has occurred with room for many service providers to develop. Working with those experts is of great value, but knowing what to outsource and what to keep close is the controlled way forward.

Adwords as your gateway to traffic

What’s a web presence without traffic? A very common challenge most organisations face. In many cases a strong believe exists that just refreshing the looks should do the trick, but this hardly is contributing anything. Building authority takes time, time to allow the indexatie spiders to build a solid case that your content is most relevant to the searcher. But from a business perspective there is no time to wait for organic traffic. Search engine advertising then can be a powerful method to temporarily drive extra traffic to your website. But not having any proper follow-up, clear KPI’s and well thought engagement triggers setup even this advertising money is not worth while spend.

Personalisation in different shapes and forms

In most successful digital operations one of the differentiating factors is the ability to offer personalised experiences. A lot is being said about this but what does it actually mean? It should be a level of engagement that gives a recipient the impression that relevant information or offers are being communicated at the moment that truly matters. This contextual relevance should be the ultimate trigger for conversion, engagement or even a transaction. The level of personalisation also can steer the opposite way when you use incorrect data or are less considerate when it comes to GDPR or other compliancy regulations.

Frontend content is King, what about backend?

At the heart of every successful online presence resides a strong storytelling capability. This means that the usage of various content formats to get a message across is adopted in a complementary way. But when we look a little further, succes is also related to the recognition of multiple screen formats on which the storytelling is consumed. Adopting mobile first content production then can result in multiple editions of the very same message. But how do you then manage that, this is were the complexity kicks in en continues when we realise that looking at content also requires facilitating back-end content needs from the indexation spiders.

 The power of collaboration

Its very hot and happening when you express your interest or even demonstrate intentions to truly built eco-systems to support your business. But besides the words, what does it in practical terms mean? In many marketing driven organisations segmentation and target audience definitions have always been sort of “ the holy grail”. With significant research budgets to back it up, marketing was built upon them. This meant choosing segments but also neglecting segments. This is where eco-system partnerships can play an important role. not to mention practical things such as fundamentals for linkbuilding strategies or even content co-productions,

 Email, still a top conversion driver

For many years now people state that email is bound to get replaced by other means of communication, like Whatsapp, Facebook messenger or even Instagram or Snapchat. In reality we’ve seen an explosion of social collaborative tools and platforms that co-exist with the traditional digital mailboxes. Recognising persona’s or even profile cards over these various social channels has proven to be pretty complex, so email has remained the obvious fallback scenario. It’s often used a primary username with seamless connection with profile cards which now also allow the messaging to become. much more personalised and contextualised.

 Supporting and excellerating generations

Communication at its core is all about the ability to have a conversation between to individuals. With a society that has grown from a local to a global oriented scope, communication was bound to significantly change. The explosion of social networking after computing power arose in the early 2000, now has lead to not only break language barriers. It opened up images, video and timeslotting as significant variables to speedup communication consumption and hunger. A holistic and connected experience for the individual remains untapped as still most media platforms are limitedly connected. Causing new psychological challenges such as FOMO to overcome the further rise off computing power may proof a valuable contributor to change once more.

 Internet in 3 dimensions

Already back in the nineties Mills Davis spoke about the evolution of the internet. In the third and fourth phase of his semantic wave he described the Internet to develop towards Artificial Intelligence and 3 dimensional representation or interaction with people and objects. Now in 2020 these visions have come alive. They even are embraced by the mass if it comms to communication and interpretation purposes. But if we are speaking about the adoption of virtual and augmented realities computing power now is getting to a level that allows also for mass adoption. A phase often characterised with a need to proof solid business and use cases. Some examples are their but it still takes guts to lead the way

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 online executions