
“How do I make the most out of personalisation ? ”

In todays web experiences a lot is spoken about personalisation. We found that it often is not really clear what is meant with the term. Very different interpretations occur. And in al fairness not without reason. It’s true that in todays web experiences visitors expect a certain level of personalisation. In particular when they are visiting websites that collect data from them. The level of depth of this type of information is a driver behind the expectation of personalisation.


for that reason its good to understand that various types of data awareness enforce certain levels of personalisation. They work sequentially and all help not only to address you in the right way, they provide you with the right filters (automatically) and present you with those versions of content that fit your best, either on your interpreted persona group or your specific visiting behaviour.


digital native generations | speed and flexibility is everything

 A whole new challenge if it comes to personalisation and attempting to be much more customer centric, is the recognition of the differences between audiences. Traditional educated marketing management, often very much GRP and TV oriented is now needs to drastically change their media mix. The web and mobile as a gateway to customers is passing the traditional mass-communiucatie channels. On top of that the expectations from younger generations force them also to look into a whole new playground in these already “new” web and mobile environments. In order to comply to that, change and flexibility needs to be at the core of every strategy. Before you know it, you are disconnected from your target customers!

Interested to learn more about how to embrace personalisation in your communication?