Digital vouchers

“Think of the issues that lie in front of you and how you would like to steer the planning of your digital strategy and budget….”

We are able to offer you solid digital help with which you can frame and then fill in the current strategic issues for you. We do this in a slightly different way by being on call, so that you remain in control of the pace and depth. This can be fulfilled by working together on vision and feeling to determine an effective course. But also when this course is clear to set hands-on practical matters in motion. For this we have time-based vouchers that can be used freely. The only way to optimally connect to the unique (digital) dynamics within your organisation.

Vouchers (Light, Target and Focus) have a term of one year, provide clear, predictable and therefore budgetable cost insight and are free to fill in with those issues that have priority. This means that knowledge and capacity are available on demand, but can be used flexibly during the contract term.

When a certain degree of structural commitment is required, the nature of the support to be provided usually also changes in the direction of project management. To facilitate this, we have developed the Special and Exclusive vouchers that also provide you with thorough digital help in these situations with the necessary flexibility to follow the dynamics in your organisation.


For many digital issues, strong methodical and consistent implementation and management are important starting points for success. It is also important to have specific knowledge available. We fulfill this need with the so-called DWDA specialisation vouchers.

Our specialists vouchers

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Digital vouchers